Sunday, May 20, 2007

Not sure where to start...everyone around me has blogged...but not me. But I supposedly used to possess the ability to I will attempt to reclaim that ability. But I want to be a different blogger...not that I am being critical of others...I just want to be a positive blogger. May be that is just because my decision this year is to live for me...and to live...I have been living under a self imposed shadow of sorts. An umbrella I erected thinking it would shade me from previous sorrows and silly mistakes has now fallen completely apart and I can see the sun very well now. I love how it warms me...but know that I should erect some sort of protection from the harsh rays that summer brings. I turned 43 recently and decided this is my year to live for me! Everyone who knows me knows 3 is my magic number...and I intend for this year to be magical in all ways. Ok...being way too philisophical for a first post...just want to be positive!!! My kids hated when they said something negative and I say 3 positive things. It's always been my desire to find the good, find the positive or at least create the moment that makes everyone feel positive. I read the blogs, of many and it is a sort of ranting, venting...and that is good...but now I want to add my two cents...make that 3!!! Not sure where I will go with this...but here I go!!!

1 comment:

Steven said...

Whoa! I can see that you subscribe to the "3 Dot School of Journalism". Right on...there's 3 right back at you!